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Creative education and Valedictory

Welcome back to the final term of 2017; I hope all in the BGS community managed a break over the recent school holidays. It certainly is great to be back […]

A legacy of belonging

Dr Ray Swann and Christian Machar presented at the IBSC (International Boys’ Schools Coalition) Regional Conference in Adelaide last week. The title of the conference was Bucking the trend – […]

Magnificent molto crescendo

The combined BGS/FGS concert occurs only once every four years. On Tuesday evening at the world-class Melbourne Recital Centre, molto crescendo stunned the audience. The performance included pieces by Bartok, […]

A different life

The Year 9s have been off-site on Sea Change experiences in various locations over the past fortnight. A small group of boys chose to undertake an art-based experience at Berendale […]

Upping the ante in academics

Last week we received the School’s 2017 NAPLAN results. (Parents of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 boys will receive their son’s individual results soon and can click here for […]

Fair play on the ice

Year 6 boys skate their way to silver Three BGS Year 6 boys – AJ Harris, Aidan McDonald and Landon Penca – fought it out together on the ice last […]

At the top of our game in winter sports

It has been an amazing winter season of Senior Sport in 2017. Our boys continue to favour team sports as they seek the social and emotional benefits of striving for, […]

Connor’s Run, Five Years On

Five years ago, Robert Connor Dawes returned to BGS after seven months of brain cancer treatment.  He was so proud to be back with friends in his School uniform. And now, […]

Innovation and entrepreneurship served at breakfast

e-commerce trail-blazer Maggie Zhou, Managing Director for Alibaba Australia and NZ, was the guest speaker at our BGS Breakfast Bios event on Tuesday. Maggie wowed the audience of 160 guests […]

The Making of Men: Taking it to a new level

I am partway through Dr Leonard Sax’s republished book, Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men (click here), and one line […]